Daniel Boone: The Man, The Myth, and The Memory Part III

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Local History

Program Description

Event Details

A free door prize will be given to one lucky attendee.

“Daniel Boone was a man, was a big man” is how many remember first hearing the name of the famous hunter and explorer from their youth in the late 1960s.  The question is, just how big of a man was Daniel Boone?  How does Boone’s story from the TV show measure up to his legendary status?  Reference Librarian Travis Souther will host a three-part winter lecture series on the famous frontiersman entitled, “Daniel Boone: The Man, The Myth, and The Memory,” about the man whose name, character, and renown are indelibly linked with the story of the Bluegrass State.

In the conclusion to the winter lecture series, Part III: “Daniel Boone: The Memory” will explore how succeeding generations have chosen to remember Boone.  Although interpretations of the real man have and will continue to change, Boone's influence remains clearly visible in and across Kentucky as well as the United States as a whole.